Last Updated on April 3, 2024 by ETC Team

Don’t let a few pesky insects keep you from enjoying your camping trip. Check out these tips for keeping bugs away while you’re camping.
Preparation is key to avoid getting bugged
If bugs bug you, you are not alone. Even the thought of bugs can evoke a lot of unpleasant imagery. You can almost feel the buzzing, swarming, creeping, crawling. In fact, some people hate the little guys so much they allow these pests to keep them away from outdoor adventures entirely.
Since the outdoors is where they live, there’s no fail-safe way to avoid bugs entirely when you head outside. However, you can inform yourself and learn what to expect, and how to minimize incidents with these creepy-crawly creatures.
Insects are a widespread issue for all campers, especially during the warmer months. There are many bugs you may potentially come in contact with during your camping trip, including:
- Mosqitoes
- Flies
- Spiders
- Ants
- Bees
- And more
For most people, the insect that causes the most irritation is the mosquito. These tiny insects are the antagonists of any good camping vacation. The bites of female mosquitoes leave annoying, itchy bumps.
There are ways to keep mosquitoes and other bugs at bay. Not only will this prevent these annoying pests from leaving behind itchy bites or swarming around your food, but it will also keep you and your family safe. It’s also important to remember that some mosquitoes and other biting insects carry disease. Don’t let bugs bug you when there are ways to fight back.
The Best Ways To Keep Bugs Away While Camping
Whether you’re new to camping or a seasoned veteran, one — or many — of these techniques is sure to work for you. Although you can’t control these small invaders, there may be a way to keep the bugs at bay. Here are 16 ideas you can try for keeping bugs away from you and your campsite.
1. Traditional bug sprays

One of the best ways to repel bugs while camping is conventional bug sprays or creams. The most common ingredient in these is called DEET. In fact, the more DEET an insect repellent has, the more effective it is. Some campers don’t like DEET-based sprays or creams for an assortment of reasons, such as the smell, potential for skin or eye irritation and a number of other reasons.
Despite these objections, these repellents work. So, even if you use it as a last line of defense, it’s a good idea to keep some traditional bug spray handy just in case the mosquitoes get out of hand.
Make sure that your bug-spray is waterproof, too. Also, it’s best to spray repellent on your clothes and avoid direct skin contact if possible. Apply it to your clothes, shoes and hat in the morning before you get dressed, and be sure to avoid breathing any in.
2. Homemade essential oil repellants

With the rise in popularity of essential oils, these concentrated herb or plant extracts are easier than ever to come by. In fact, you may already have some around the house. There are many different essential oils with bug-repelling properties that offer a natural alternative to the heavy chemicals in traditional bug sprays. Although you can apply essential oil-based concoctions directly to the skin, it’s better to spray it on your clothes, especially if you have sensitive skin.
When making your essential oil bug spray, use 10 to 20 drops of any of the following:
- Eucalyptus
- Thyme
- Cedarwood
- Sage
- Lemongrass
- Geranium
- Catnip
- Rosemary
- Teatree
- Cajeput
- Lavender
- Mint
- Basil
- Clove
- Citronella
Mix these in a spray bottle along with a tablespoon of rubbing alcohol, half a cup of natural witch hazel and half a cup of water. Be sure to give your bottle a good shake before spraying, as the oil and water mixture will always tend to separate. This creation offers a natural way to keep those pests away while you’re camping. Test the different oils and you’ll probably find you enjoy the scent more than traditional bug spray.
3. Vinegar
This solution is not necessarily for those who have a strong sense of smell or hate the aroma of vinegar. But, you can use both white vinegar and apple cider vinegar as natural way to repel bugs while camping. Insects are not particularly fond of the overpowering scent. You can spray it on your skin, around your tent and around the campsite to deter mosquitoes and other bugs from taking up residence.
You can also make a natural bug spray with vinegar by sealing a few tablespoons of dried lavender, sage, mint, rosemary and thyme in a glass container with 32 ounces of vinegar for two to three weeks. Give it a good shake every day, then drain the herbs when it’s ready. This concoction comes with a warning…. it stinks. It should also be diluted with water before you use it on your skin.
4. Bug repelling diffusers and coils
Some well-known bug-repellent companies now sell diffusers which emit a pesticide called metofluthrin. These work as long as 12 hours and are marketed to provide as much as 84 to 100 percent protection against mosquitoes. The diffuser includes a battery-operated fan that spreads the chemical around a small area. Just put one of these in areas where you and your camping companions are congregating for an instant bug shield.
Similar to diffusers, pyrethrum-infused coils emit a powerful mosquito-repelling scent, along with smoke. Bugs will hate finding a few of these coils scattered around your campsite.
5. Bug repellent bracelets

If you’d rather avoid spraying or applying anything to your body or clothing, then a bug-repelling bracelet is an excellent option. You can wear these on your wrist or, if you prefer, fasten it to something nearby. It emits bug-repelling chemicals into the air around you creating a shield. This is a good option for kids, as the little ones shouldn’t use DEET sprays, and most kids don’t have the patience for you to spray them down, anyway.
6. Garlic capsules
If you’re not interested in rubbing pungent garlic all over yourself, there may be an easier way to attain it’s natural bug-repelling affects. Take garlic capsules during your camping vacation. This will cause the scent to secrete from your pores and repel nearby insects. Be aware, this may have the same effect on nearby humans, too.
7. Use foods that bugs hate

You may not know this, but mosquitoes and other insects hate the smell of certain foods we love to eat. Onions, garlic and citrus fruits like lemons and oranges are good foods to keep handy while you’re camping. Bugs can’t stand the smell of these potent produce items.
Unfortunately, you would have to eat a lot of these for them to start working from the inside out. But you can rub your skin with garlic, onions and even citrus peels, so the bugs won’t come for a visit. It may leave you smelling like a salad, but it’s a natural and simple bug repellent. However, it doesn’t hurt to include onions and garlic in your cooking while you’re in the great outdoors, as the smell will fill the air with its anti-bug fragrance.
8. Hydration
There are many reasons to stay hydrated while camping. Extreme heat can quickly lead to dehydration, which could put an early end to your camping adventure. But there’s more than one reason keeping a water bottle on hand could keep you happier and healthier. On hot summer days and during a hike, it’s easier to get overheated and sweat if you’re not hydrated. Insects tend to be attracted to hot, sweaty skin. So, if you feel yourself beginning to sweat, take a cold, refreshing drink of water.
9. Mint
Spearmint, peppermint or any member of the mint family are effective and natural repellents of pests. While we find their scent crisp and refreshing, bugs can’t stand it. There are tons of ways to keep the smell of mint around you and your campsite, such as by:
- Keeping a few potted mint plants around, especially in communal areas
- Using extra mint toothpaste or mouthwash
- Popping strong breath mints in your mouth from time to time
- Pouring some mint mouthwash into a spray bottle and using it around the campsite or on yourself
10. Fresh and dried herbs
You don’t have to stick to essential oils when looking for natural bug deterrents — you can also use fresh and dried herbs to keep the critters away. There are several options, but some of the most effective herbs are sage, rosemary, eucalyptus and, as mentioned before, mint.
There are a couple ways to use these plants to detract bugs from coming around. You can burn them in your campfire as the scent combined with the smoke will drive them away from your campsite. You can also rub them on your skin for a quick and natural bug repellent.
11. Use clothes for coverage

One of the best ways to repel bugs while camping is making proper clothing decisions. Mosquitoes are mainly active during the dawn and dusk hours. So, be sure to wear long sleeves and pants — especially in the morning and evening — to avoid getting bug bites during these prime times. Even with this added protection, mosquitoes are sometimes able to bite through clothing.
That’s where insect-repellent clothing comes in handy. A few outdoor companies sell clothing that’s infused with insect repellent in the fabric, allowing you to avoid sticky sprays and creams with the same useful results.
Another tip — avoid wearing dark clothing, especially blue. One study found that mosquitoes were especially attracted to the color blue. Khaki or green clothing are better choices.
12. Fragrance-free hygiene products
Although you don’t have to go unwashed for the entirety of your camping trip, the use of hygiene products or toiletries that are overly fragrant may draw some unwanted guests. It turns out, the bugs like the smell of some of these items as much as you do. That’s why it’s better to avoid perfumed:
- Soap
- Shampoo
- Deodorant
- Aftershave
- Hair care products
- Colognes, perfumes and body sprays
That doesn’t mean you have to go without these items the whole time, though. Consider investing in natural toiletries that are unscented and don’t have infused chemical or artificial fragrances.
13. Campfires, candles and lanterns

Many people don’t realize one of the first things we do when we go camping is one of the best ways to repel bugs while camping — the all-important campfire. It’s for more than just hot dogs and s’mores. The smoke campfires produce can repel mosquitoes, flies and other bugs we’d rather keep away. However, any tiki torch or candle producing a little smoke will have a similar effect.
If you’re looking for more lighting that keeps the bugs away, it doesn’t get better than the citronella candle. The smell these pungent lights produce will have the bugs heading for the hills. You can purchase citronella tea lights and keep them in jelly jars scattered around the campsite. They are an excellent source of light and will help to keep your site bug free as well.
Another investment you can make is a set of lanterns that also operate as insect repellents. An-installed cartridge allows these lanterns to release a chemical which bugs hate, keeping them well away from the lantern’s vicinity.
14. Keep a clean campsite
A clean campsite is a safe campsite. Humans aren’t the only ones who enjoy free meals and you’ll quickly find that bugs and other wild animals love the smell of your food and are looking for an opportunity to grab a snack. That’s why it’s crucial to keep your campsite as clean as possible.
Open containers of food and unwashed dishes left unattended or overnight are just an open invitation for these creatures. The Leave No Trace 7 principles are important to follow but here are some quick tips to keep in mind which will help keep things neat and tidy:
- Properly dispose of or store food in a large plastic container with a secure lid immediately after use
- Don’t leave trash uncovered or let it accumulate, and dispose of it at a designated trash receptacle as soon as possible
- Wash any dishes right after you finish eating
- Wipe down your campsite’s table as soon as you arrive and after each meal
- Before you leave your campsite or go to bed, make sure there are no traces of food left behind
15. A tent that zips closed
There’s nothing more infuriating than hearing the faint buzz of a fly or mosquito and not being able to find it. You don’t want that to happen to you at night in your tent, where the dark prevents you from finding and expelling the pest. It’s best to create a bug-free environment within your sleeping quarters by zipping up the door. Although this may be harder for younger campers to remember, be sure to close that tent flap or shut the cabin door every time you enter and exit your dwelling.
16. Screen rooms and netting
If you’re desperately in need of a haven free from bugs, you may want to consider bringing a screen room or mosquito netting. A screen room is a large tent or canopy with screened-in walls that lets you see outside. This can give you an outdoor space away from your tent that allows the cool breezes to blow through and keeps unwanted pests out.
You could also make your own screen room by mounting mosquito netting either onto poles or to nearby trees. Although these methods take a little more effort, they may be a perfect solution for those who can’t stand the sight or sound of bugs.

Whether it’s flies, bees or especially mosquitoes, bugs don’t have to ruin your outdoor adventures. As you spend more time outdoors you will find out which of these best ways to repel bugs works for you. Many of these methods are only appropriate for outdoor activities, like camping, and others are natural methods you can apply to your daily life, as well.
When thinking about which bug prevention technique is right for you, be sure to consider a few things unique to your situation, such as whether they’re appropriate for sensitive skin, allergies, kids, and pets. No matter which method you choose, we can all agree that less time chasing away bugs gives you more time to Explore, Travel, and Connect to the world around you.